6728 Hillpark Drive #308
Hollywood, CA 90068
(By appointment only)
What is Vertu Studio?
It is the result of passion and determination. Founded out of necessity after the market crash in '08 in a friend's living room, Vertu Studio has grown to garner notable press and recognition in the six years since.
What does Vertu Studio do?
Architecture | Interior Design
We love creating buildings and spaces that make life better. Good design isn't just about looking good, it's about making life easier, things working better, and bringing people to a better state of mind while they are in or around it, all on budget.
Our projects are shaped by the restrictions and requirements of our clients and reality. We excel at finding clever solutions, which we develop into beautiful built works. We explore all viable design options and present our clients with the cream of the crop to choose from, develop the plans, and stay by their side through the entire construction process.
Construction projects are known for frustrations and pitfalls, from cost overruns and delays to shoddy work. Let us be your agent, advisor, design whiz, planner, and solution-generator, all in one. Whatever the project, however far along, we can help with cost effective, honest, and knowledgeble guidance. Click on Services for more information.
Furniture and custom Items
Look at the nearest couch. Why isn't the space inside the armrests used for storage or for plugging in devices? Why doesn't it fit through doorways, anyway? I mean... who designed this thing? Not us.
While it doesnt have storage in it, we have designed and prototyped a revolutionary public metal bench that flexes to accommodate your body. Our Flexsit Bench has been seen around LA over the last few years, including currently at the Terrell Moore Gallery with prior stops at the Tesla showroom and the Architecture and Design Museum. It has been lauded as "one of the most innovative, not to mention comfortable, benches perhaps ever invented." We are continuing to work toward developing it for production and commercial sale. In the meantime, we'd be honored to design furniture to fit you.
We also have relationships that allow us to print on nearly any material, at very high quality, so whether you are looking to preserve a family portrait on metal, or splash a favorite image across an entire wall, contact us!